
Prompt Romp is your one-stop to writing bliss. Stuck for ideas? I have them. Take what you like; credit when necessary. Feedback is awesome and comments are lovely.

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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ice (Now with Picture Prompts)

Specific Prompt:

Earlier, I challenged everyone to write a post containing only dialogue. Now, your challenge is to do the opposite. You can use descriptions or internal narration -- basically, whatever floats your boat. Speaking of boats, include a boat somewhere in there.

Fanfic Prompts:

Being Human prompt: George/Nina. So, judging by the end of series one, Nina's got a secret she's keeping. Play with that. Also, have Mitchell/Annie act vaguely parental towards George.

Harry Potter prompt: Snape/Narcissa. I still can't leave it alone. I somehow picture them together, even though he's technically dead. So, write a story about an unspoken affair between them years ago, perhaps when Snape was a Deatheater or something.

Stargate Atlantis: Ronin/Teyla. Ronin and Teyla are stranded on an icy world, unable to communicate with the others. How do they keep warm?

Write a story including the phrase:

"You'd better be joking."

Use this song for inspiration:

"Rehab" by Amy Winehouse

One Word Prompts:


And presenting picture prompts!:

Image via Wikipedia


Rebecca A Emrich said...

love the new picture prompts.

Gatto999 said...

Really Great Shot !...

Ciao form Italy

Unknown said...

Thanks guys! Right now, I'm getting all of my pics from the Wikipedia Commons (so that they're fair-use, and I won't get sued), unless someone volunteers to let me use their pics. (I'll credit of course.) Or if I can find the time to take some of my own, which would be awesome. I love taking pictures.

Brian the old man said...

I still am working on the first challenge of only dialog. I have developed a good plot now I just have to find the time to write it. I'm thinking about making it a recurring series of stories, I may even start a new blog for it and depending on how it goes write a book. It really has me motivated with tons of ideas. Thanks. Also I like your picture prompts. A place where you can get free pics is morgue file. You can use them freely and they do not require credit. The site is They have a wide selection. I use it all of the time.

Unknown said...

Brian, thank you sooooo much!! Thank you for reading, being inspired to write, and for the link to the webpage! I really appreciate it.

Just so you know, know I'm playing catch-up as I've been really sick recently. I finally updated my blogs and I'm still making the rounds to reading friend's blogs, including yours.

Also, I would love to read your story, if you don't mind, when it's finished.

Take care,

Rebecca A Emrich said...

got a surprise for you, check it out!

Shas said...

Your word prompts works.

Unpublished (Fiction Contest) Guy said...

You can use any of my pictures (backlink appreciated). Of course many of the pictures I use, I got from the creative commons library on

Here is one that I purchased for $5--might make an interesting prompt:

Fiction Leftovers

Unknown said...

Thanks for your helpfulness!

sanjeet said...

I would love to read your story, if you don't mind, when it's finished.

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