Specific Prompt:
A character, based on yourself, has just one $20,000,000 in a lottery. Describe how they burned through the money in less than a month. Give realistic reasons. Them buying the world's only unicorn makes for a very boring, very short story. And since the character is based on yourself, it would help to make the reasons ones you, personally, would have for blowing that much money in that short amount of time. How does this impact your characters family? Does it benefit them (because they all got new houses or something?) Or does it make them angry that your character squandered their fortune?
Fanfic Prompt:
Smallville Lexana. Drabble, Lex's POV. Setting, season 3. Write your best fluffiness set in the Talon.
Write a story including the phrase:
Strange and unusual people were everywhere.
Use this song for inspiration:
"Hotel California" - The Eagles
One Word Prompts:
Calgary Dental Blog
2 years ago
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