As you may have noticed, I've been featuring Rebecca Emrich as a guest blogger this week. I would like to start featuring a guest blogger each month, as a way to promote a sort of community here at Prompt Romp. Furthermore, if you're a new blogger and you're stuck on a way to get noticed, this is a great opportunity.
I'm not a big fan of rules, so we shall just call this a guideline: Your guest post must be somehow related to my blog.
You can:
1. Write prompts, like Rebecca did.
2. Write an article about how prompting has helped you.
3. Write an article about how prompting helps writers in general.
4. Write about fiction writing. That's a very broad topic, I know. But if you do that and you don't write about prompts, make sure you're writing about something that's a niche topic on your blog. That way a link to your blog can be used as a writing resource for Prompt Romp readers.
Interested in guest blogging? Drop a comment or email me at:
Please. If you email me, keep your email on topic. Don't pimp your blog to me in a email unless it's about writing and you're proposing to write a guest blog here. Also, no forwarding. Seriously. Don't forward things to me. I don't want to read about unicorns granting wishes.
On a lighter note...
I'm more than happy to guest blog on your site in return, if that's what you want. Just let me know in advance what topic you want me to blog about.
With all of that said, have a wonderful Sunday and check back tomorrow for more prompts!
Calgary Dental Blog
2 years ago
Hey Carrie, I put a post up on Saturday saying I'd like to start working more with other bloggers as well. I'd definately love to exchange guest blogs with you sometime in the future.
Email me at: with details about what you'd like to have me write for your blog, etc.
Just let me know. =)
I'm not opposed to doing a guest blog sooner than a month. I'd just like to have at least one a month.
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